The prevention
of Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI's) is critical to
reducing overall costs to taxpayers, private businesses,
insurance companies and consumers, and can be achieved
in a variety of ways, including but not limited to
the implementation of ergonomic programs, ergonomic
devices, stretch and exercise programs, rehabilitation
products and more.
Programs Utilizing Stretches & Exercises
Eliminate Upper Extremity RSI's. |
"According to the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly two-thirds
of all occupational illnesses reported, were caused
by exposure to repeated trauma to workers upper
body ( the wrist, elbow or shoulder ). One common example of such an injury
is carpal tunnel syndrome."
The solution to this increasing problem
is the implementation of repetitive strain injury
"prevention protocols" to eliminate repetitive strain
injuries before they arise! Here are a few ways to
do just that, with minimal financial costs to businesses,
tremendous increases in productivity and overall long-term
savings for everyone!
Job/Task Rotation
Implementing "Job Rotation" helps to eliminate repetitive strain
injuries in the workplace. When implementing job rotation, the tasks must involve
different muscle groups in order to prevent muscle groups from being "overused".
Be sure that each task last no longer than 1-hour before moving to another
Workstation Design
In this category, the
key is to fit the workplace
to the worker, not the worker
to the workplace. Having a
properly designed workstation
decreases the effort required
in order to maintain a proper
working position. The workstation,
which includes the chair, desk,
keyboard, mouse, computer monitor
and other office equipment
must be within arms reach
and must be adjustable to fit
the workers body type and build.
Having a good workstation can
reduce excess stress and strain
to the upper body.
Tools Can Help Reduce Onset of RSI |
Tools / Devices
Using appropriate ergonomic tools and equipment can significantly decreases
the amount of force necessary to complete a given task, thereby reducing
the chance of becoming afflicted with a repetitive strain injury. Ergonomic
tools cannot actually prevent the onset of a repetitive strain injury completely,
but may increase the time in which it takes to get the injury. ( i.e. The
injury occurs in 10- years instead of 2-years)
Work Habits
Taking necessary breaks and performing stretches and exercises to keep the over
and underused muscles of the upper extremity balanced are the most significant
elements in preventing repetitive strain injuries from arising.
muscles eliminate nerve impingement syndromes like carpal tunnel syndrome, guyon's
syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome and encourage increased circulation, providing
oxygenated blood to surrounding muscles and nerves. Performing
a good stretch and exercise program allows the muscles and nerves to stay healthy,
which is of the utmost importance in preventing repetitive strain